Are You Putting Oil in Your Gas Tank?

There are three ways we receive energy. The first is inherited from our parents. This energy is stored in our kidneys and adrenals and is our storehouse. When we are run down, this is the final energy supply used to help us revive ourselves. Another source of energy comes from the air we breathe. This…

What’s In Your Carton?

If you’re like most people, before buying eggs at the grocery store you open the carton to check for broken shells.  You’re probably not too surprised when you come across a cracked egg or two and you simply continue your search, rendering the previous carton useless.  As you proceed, you notice that some cartons contain…

Summer ~ Joyful Expansion

Summer is the most Yang season according to ancient Chinese wisdom.  It is a time of flourishing abundance–for expansion, growth, lightness, outward activity, brightness, and creativity.  To harmonize with the energy of this season, rise early, greet the sun, and bring your awareness to the gratitude you feel for the life energy it provides.  Be…

Spring into Action!

HAVE YOU HAD YOUR SPRING ACUPUNCTURE TUNE-UP? Powerful forces are at work during the Spring season. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) of which acupuncture is a part, has since antiquity aligned its healing strategies with nature’s rhythmic cycles. Spring is the best time to lighten up, release negative habits, detoxify your liver, lose weight and increase…